Friday, June 13, 2014


If you've been following my posts on Facebook, then you know that I have been battling some things personally involving my 4 year old daughter.  This hasn't been the best of times. I just want to say thank you first and foremost for all of the prayers and kind words. They mean a lot to me, more than I can say. Y'all are all so sweet and supportive. However, I do need to say that my writing has taken a back seat while I wear my mommy hat. My fictional world is still screaming at me, but my real life is demanding my attention at the moment. Having said that, I can't guarantee my July release date right now. I know everyone will understand. I'm not setting a date as of yet. I'm allowing time for my head to refocus on my characters, then betas, editing and a final proofread. Thankfully, covers are done! Yay! I will not release anything that is less than my best work and the story that it's meant to be. In order to give you the finale I promised, I need a little more time with my fictional friends. Thank you for your patience and support. Love you all!

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